Saturday, September 12, 2009

Labor Day

Peach pickers of the world, Unite! If you don't want to pick peaches until you are 97 like I am, you need to form a Union!

So on Labor Day I went to my house in Springville and picked 2 peaches. Harold picked the rest of them. The tree was really loaded and one of the branches cracked from the load.

Harold talked me into climbing up on the step ladder for a picture. "Pretty good for a kid of 97 years. Can't believe I'm that old but that's what the calendar says."

Harold planted new grass in the backyard where I used to park my truck. It's looking a lot better now.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Rex's Birthday

Rex celebrated his birthday in Mesa, Arizona this year. On May 7, 2009 Victor Rex Jackson became 97 years old. We had a chicken dinner with blueberry pie & homemade strawberry ice cream for dessert. All of those are Dad's favorites. We skipped the cake with 97 candles. The fire department wouldn't approve it.

Rex sporting his new World War II cap.

Rex and his favorite daughter, Bonnie
Morgan, Rex, and Bonnie

Mavis Petersen (Jean's mother), Morgan, Jean, and Rex

Rex is thinking "I wonder if she'll go out on a date with me."

Jenny & Chris Robinson with Grandpa. Haley is hiding behind Grandpa, with Grant and Jackson to the side of Jenny. Chris is holding Mackay.

We had a fun evening celebrating Dad's birthday. He had 2 children, 7 grandchildren, 4 greatgrandchildren and friends there to celebrate with him.

We enjoyed his three week stay with us here in Mesa. He went with us to two choral concerts and a dance concert to see his grandkids perform. He went to church with us, to the grocery store on occasion - where he loves to drive the electric cart, and even to the movies. Of course he does like to nap alot, but that's ok. So here's to 97 years DAD! We hope you make it to 100! ! !

Friday, February 20, 2009


born February 20, 1923

Happy Birthday to Mom and Grandma.
We love you and are thinking of you even as you are living in heaven.

I wanted to do something to recognize my mother today. She was a great woman and loved by all. She was such a good example for me to follow. She was a great wife, mother, teacher, sister, and friend. I am thankful she taught me to bake bread, can fruit, cook, sew, quilt and many other skills. One of her talents that she has left us with is her writing. She wrote many poems, stories and letters. I will share one below the pictures.

I didn't have time to scan many pictures, but here's just a couple. Please feel free to leave your comments or memories of Naomi on this site.

Cadet Nurse Naomi - 1946

Naomi and Rex - 1995

Mom often sent special birthday poems to her loved ones. They meant more than the Hallmark cards. Here's a birthday poem that she sent to her father, Albert Wagstaff one year. (click on the image to enlarge.)